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wordpress如果主页与写文章与编辑文章与页面编辑的显示选项与帮助无法点击切换#screen-options-wrap不工作 - 全文内容:



Help! Admin page not working correctly - can't do... (5 posts)

This is a new install of WP 3.3.1. There are NO plugins (all have been deleted, not just deactivated). Same problem in all browsers in Mac, Linux, Windows using Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc. Cleared cache, etc.

Here's the problem(s):
1. Clicking Screen Options does nothing. (URL shows #screen-options-wrap after) clicking
2. Widgets can't dragged, much less dropped
3. White HTML text (invisible) in Visual editor, only viewable when selected
4. Can't rename permalink page title (URL shows#post_name after click)
5. Can't upload media via multi-file upload or browser upload

I've checked the forums and haven't found a solution yet, just a lot "turn off your plug ins" and browser cache clearing, but evidently others have experienced the same. Any suggestions? Is it a javascript issue? PHP? (running PHP 5) ??? Thanks for any suggestions or solutions.


Try adding define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false ); to the bottom of your wp-config.php file (just before the require_once line).


define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false );
Worked for me!




define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false );//wordpress如果主页与写文章与编辑文章与页面编辑的显示选项与帮助无法点击切换#screen-options-wrap不工作,请添加此项
